Saginaw Otoplasty (Ear Pinning) Plastic Surgery

The term otoplasty refers to the reshaping or reforming or ”pinning” of the ears. Most commonly, the procedure is performed to correct prominent ears by setting them back closer to the head. Each individual’s ears are different however, and otoplasty may refer to correction of a number of different ear conditions. When performing otoplasty (ear pinning) plastic surgery in Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, Michigan, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas H. Beird bring his skill, experience and training to performing this procedure for children and adults.

For children, large and/or protruding ears can result in teasing or name-calling that can make adjustment to school difficult, sad or painful and reduce self-confidence as they enter adulthood. Fortunately, this is a problem that can be easily corrected once a child’s ears grow to their full size, usually between five and six years of age.

For children, pinning the ears is a common technique used during otoplasty to achieve the desired result. Performing otoplasty plastic surgery for adults in the Great Lakes Bay Region of Michigan, Dr. Beird may select a different approach. For adults, Dr. Beird may also reshape or reduce the size of the ears to help them appear symmetrical and streamlined with the contours of the face.

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“Dr. Beird performed a "thighplasty" and liposuction and recontoured my hips and thighs. Amazing results. I can finally wear pants that aren't baggy.” - B.W.